May 10, 2005

May 6, 2005

Peace Walk in Cairo, led by Mrs. Mary Eisenhower

Today I participated in a tree planting ceremony, commemorating everlasting peace and friendship around the globe. It was so exciting to plant my first tree in the "Land of Peace". While my tree is growing it will symbolize that "Peace could be achieved only through understanding" Einstein. In the Afternoon we managed to prepare for an hour 2,500 hygiene care bags for the personal hygiene camping in Egypt. The care bags will be distributed to several primary schools of needy children. My friends from the Peace camp & I worked enthusiastically because we were aware that we could change the reality, helping some children. In the evening we took part in a walk for Peace from the Hotel to the Felicia docking area. The walk was led by Mrs. Mary Eisenhower. Walking through the streets, we sang the Arabic song, that we came with Peace & we wish Peace & Friendship to be part of everyone's life. Polia, Bulgaria

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