April 1, 2009

March 30, 2009 - Petra

On the bus on our way to Petra, I was so curious to explore the city with my camera in hand, taking snapshots of whatever seemed interesting. And you know what, I took pictures of everything. Today when we were in Petra, you won’t believe how excited I was. During our tour the guide gave us informative details about the history in Petra when it was under the sea. We continued our walk and a sudden beacon of light appeared before me. Alas, it was the Treasury, one of the most magical sights I’ve seen during our trip. It was crowded with many tourists, locals and sellers. Also fascinating were the roaming camels, donkeys and horses that surrounded us at times. At first I decided not to ride on any, then after seeing my fellow Peace Campers going for it, I felt encouraged and chose to ride the donkey. Even though the distance was short, I enjoyed it!! Especially because it was with a friend, a fellow peace camper. Although Petra can never be described in words, I can still say I had the time of my life visiting it with the worldwide ambassadors.

Rana Ali - Bahrain

The history of humanity has found itself constantly marked by the struggles of numerous and motley groups that strive to coexist in the same environment, but after all, as one deepens and explores the hidden gems of every particular congregation of individuals it is easy to establish links in between numerous points. We realize that even as different as we might be, we share more than what we truly possess. It is astonishing to watch fellow campers talk passionately about their nation but also their origins. It is only then that counts with fundaments to support the contention above. However, it is also extremely enriching the audience to see the peculiarities of an, until then, unknown nation. From Bahrain to Colombia to Russia to South Africa, all presentations portrayed the authentic cultural traits of that Peace Campers country. Even with the various superficial differences from country to country, we have managed to become not 48 individuals, but fused into one.

Gustavo Orozco - Colombia

Tonight we had an open mic session where Peace campers were free to say anything that was on their mind to the entire group. It could be about anything, peace camp related or non-related. This was the fifth day for us as a group and by this time we know what PTPI meant when explaining Peace Camp in Jordan as a place to safely express our world news without judgment. We did not think it would be a place where genuine bonds between strangers would be created. It might not have been instant but it is obvious now. Trust has been earned, our strongest emotions that come from the core of who we are have been expressed. I don’t even have to quote every single person who spoke at open mic because I know all felt the same. All of us from 28 countries all over the world, strangers just five days ago, know what it is to understand. We understand both the differences and similarities but more importantly, hold a higher respect for both.

Michelle Lee - USA

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